Glossary / Jargon buster
Altcoin Crypto currency thats not Bitcoin BTC
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit/crypto mining unit Bag Holder Person left holding bag of worthless coins. Bankster A banker that hold governments/economies to ransom BULL Market Price going up BEAR Market Price Going Down BTC Bitcoin Trading Identifier (the real Deal) BCH Bitcoin Cash Trading Identifier (Bcash) ( Bitcoin copy scam) BTD Buy The Dip (also see BTFD) Chad The man/woman of the year Corn Bit Corn - Bitcoin CRYPTO All things relating to Cryptocurrencies DOXX Doxxing is exposing your personal info DUMP Mass selling makes price go down Eighty percenter Believes in bitcoin 80% maybe has 20% Alts FUD Fear Uncertainty Doubt (FUD Debunked) Giga Chad - see chad O G Original Gangster (early bitcoin adopter) Ordinal - A picture or inscription embedded into the blockchain HFSP Have Fun Staying Poor (sometimes abbreviated H) HODL Hold On Dear Life HODLer Some one who owns Crypto currency Lightning Network A second layer solution for speeding up Bitcoin. Maximalism Believes there is only one true Bitcoin Maximalist Maximalish Believes theres probably only one true Bitcoin. Mining The machinery that makes it work MGMI Not Going to Make It NOCOINER Some one who does not own Crypto currency Nostr A decentralised twitter (Notes & Other Stuff over Relays) Node Computer that contains all transactions POW Proof Of Work - You have to do work to get some. Pleb - Regular person holding bitcoin PUMP Mass buying makes price goes up DUMP Mass selling makes price go down REKT - Lost all your money on Crypto Shill - Some who tries to sell their coin Shitcoin - Ultimately worthless coin or every coin other than BTC Taco's Lunch White Paper - Original idea/document Zap ⚡️- Tip a few Satoshi’s via the Bitcoin lightning network,these can be predefined fixed amounts or user defined amounts eg Zapped a 1000 Sats Zapathon - An event unique to Nostr where users post interesting memes, pictures or posts in the hope of being Zapped⚡️ Zapvertising - free Bitcoin for receiving an advert. |
Bitcoin symbolism⚡️ = Lightning /user/node runner/Zap
🔑 = Private key holder (not kept on an exchange) 🌽 = Corn Bitcoin Bitcorn ⛏ = Miner 💎🙌 = Diamonds Hands means never selling your 🌽 🌮 = Taco (likes tips) ☂️ = Nostr 🍆 = Obergene |